Event Summary
Estimated Maximum Wind:
95 mph
None |
Damage Path Length:
2.81 miles
Maximum Path Width:
300 yards
Approximate Start Point/Time:
2 WSW Troy
at 710 am
Approximate End Point/Time:
1 NE Troy
at 716 am
National Weather Service meteorologists surveyed the damage in and around Troy in Pike County and determined it was the result of a tornado with maximum sustained winds of 95 mph.
The tornado touched down in a mobile home community along Hunters Mountain Parkway, where several mobile homes sustained major damage. Around one dozen mobile homes were moved off their foundations, while several were observed to have rolled multiple times. Several of these homes were occupied, but only minor injuries were treated on scene. Two cars were also rolled in the area of greatest damage. The tornado moved northeast crossing Highway 231, where power poles were snapped and several businesses sustained minor damage. It then moved just west of downtown Troy, where trees were uprooted and large branches were broken. The tornado crossed Highway 29 where additional businesses sustained minor damage, including an awning and several roofs. Several homes north of downtown sustained minor roof damage along with nearby uprooted trees. The tornado then moved northeast and lifted near Gibbs Street, just southwest of Troy Elementary School.